See “Inclement Weather Postponements” section on page 3: LIJSL Coaches Responsibilities Guidelines
Before 2 hours of the Scheduled Game:
The BSC President will let the Head Coach know if the field is not playable.
The Head Coach must then contact the Referee, Opponent Coach and their Coordinator.
[Coordinator contact information can be found on the top left after logging into the LIJSL Scoring System]
Within 2 hours of the Scheduled Game:
Only the Referee can postpone the game.
If a team does not show up they will forfeit the game.
⇒ Complete LIJSL Rules can be found on page 4 & 5 by clicking HERE.
» Information for Home Games:
Step 1. Email the Bethpage Soccer President & Travel Coordinator with the following information:
- Game ID
- Head Coach Name
- Team Name
- Descriptive valid reason for change [Head Coach can’t attend the game is NOT a valid reason]
- Original game date
- Original game time
- Requested game date (submit 2-3 dates)*
- Requested game time*
* View Home Game Schedule to assist with requesting dates & times. To ensure a referee, request a game that is back to back on the schedule.
Step 2. Upon receiving the approval email:
- Forward your approved email to your Supervisor, Coordinator and Opposing Coach.
- Then email the Bethpage Travel Coordinator to start the rescheduling process.
- You will receive an automated confirmation from LIJSL noting the change.
» Information For Away Games:
Step 1. Email the Opposing Coach and copy Bethpage Soccer President with the following information:
- Game ID
- Head Coach Name
- Team Name
- Descriptive valid reason for change [Head Coach can’t attend the game is NOT a valid reason]
- Original game date
- Original game time
- Requested game date (submit 2-3 dates)*
- Requested game time*
Step 2. Upon receiving confirmation email from Opposing Coach and opposing Clubs President:
- Forward your approved email to your Supervisor, Coordinator and Opposing Coach.
- The Supervisor will follow-up with the Coordinator to make the change in the LIJSL System.
- You will receive an automated confirmation from LIJSL noting the change.
⇒Town of Oyster Bay Permit:
Apollo (Grumman), Borella & Powell:
Use this section only if there is a field conflict during a game or a practice in which an out of town team is using the field. Remember that High School sports takes precedence regardless of permit.
On Facilities Portal: Select “PAL” in Organization Lookup, Select school from drowndown menu, Click “Filter” to view. Schedule ID Number will appear when selecting activity on calendar.
⇒Weekend JFK Permit:
March 1 – June 23 Saturday 12pm – 6pm / Sunday 10am – 6pm.
Welcome Travel Players!
After registration, you should receive a uniform ordering invite email from, check your junk folder as well.
NEW travel players: All 4 items are required (blue shirt, white shirt, shorts and socks).
EXISTING travel players: Do not need to order each year and can re-use previous years; only order if you want to.
NOTE: If you have a child that plays in Interleague/Intramural, please wait to place the order together to receive free shipping.
Any questions, please contact us at