⇒ Complete LIJSL Rules can be found on page 4 & 5 by clicking HERE.
» Information for Home Games:
Step 1. Email the Bethpage Soccer President & Travel Coordinator with the following information:
- Game ID
- Head Coach Name
- Team Name
- Descriptive valid reason for change [Head Coach can’t attend the game is NOT a valid reason]
- Original game date
- Original game time
- Requested game date (submit 2-3 dates)*
- Requested game time*
* View Home Game Schedule to assist with requesting dates & times. To ensure a referee, request a game that is back to back on the schedule.
Step 2. Upon receiving the approval email:
- Forward your approved email to your Supervisor, Coordinator and Opposing Coach.
- Then email the Bethpage Travel Coordinator to start the rescheduling process.
- You will receive an automated confirmation from LIJSL noting the change.
» Information For Away Games:
Step 1. Email the Opposing Coach and copy Bethpage Soccer President with the following information:
- Game ID
- Head Coach Name
- Team Name
- Descriptive valid reason for change [Head Coach can’t attend the game is NOT a valid reason]
- Original game date
- Original game time
- Requested game date (submit 2-3 dates)*
- Requested game time*
Step 2. Upon receiving confirmation email from Opposing Coach and opposing Clubs President:
- Forward your approved email to your Supervisor, Coordinator and Opposing Coach.
- The Supervisor will follow-up with the Coordinator to make the change in the LIJSL System.
- You will receive an automated confirmation from LIJSL noting the change.
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