How to request a game change

⇒ Complete LIJSL Rules can be found on page 4 & 5 by clicking HERE.



» Information for Home Games:

Step 1. Email the Bethpage Soccer President & Travel Coordinator with the following information:
    1. Game ID
    2. Head Coach Name
    3. Team Name
    4. Descriptive valid reason for change [Head Coach can’t attend the game is NOT a valid reason]
    5. Original game date
    6. Original game time
    7. Requested game date (submit 2-3 dates)*
    8. Requested game time*

* View Home Game Schedule to assist with requesting dates & times. To ensure a referee, request a game that is back to back on the schedule. 

Step 2. Upon receiving the approval email: 
    1. Forward your approved email to your Supervisor, Coordinator and Opposing Coach. 
    2. Then email the Bethpage Travel Coordinator to start the rescheduling process. 
    3. You will receive an automated confirmation from LIJSL noting the change.  

» Information For Away Games:

Step 1. Email the Opposing Coach and copy Bethpage Soccer President with the following information:
    1. Game ID
    2. Head Coach Name
    3. Team Name
    4. Descriptive valid reason for change [Head Coach can’t attend the game is NOT a valid reason]
    5. Original game date
    6. Original game time
    7. Requested game date (submit 2-3 dates)*
    8. Requested game time*
Step 2. Upon receiving confirmation email from Opposing Coach and opposing Clubs President: 
    1. Forward your approved email to your Supervisor, Coordinator and Opposing Coach. 
    2. The Supervisor will follow-up with the Coordinator to make the change in the LIJSL System.
    3. You will receive an automated confirmation from LIJSL noting the change.  


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