Resource for Coaches
- Injured On the Field
- Coach Guidelines from LIJSL
- US Soccer Developmental Initiatives
- Heading Protocal
- Referee/AR Check Calculator
- Background Check
- COVID-19
- Soccer Coaching Resources
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- 1. Injury FormsMore
Complete the following forms regardless if a claim is submitted. Submit the forms to P.A.L in order to record the incident in case there are any further issues.
- P.A.L. Accident Report Form
- 2. LIJSL GuidelinesMore
- 3. Practice, Game Day and Light Towers ResponsibilitiesMore
Notes from the Field Commissioner:
Please stay clear of all the goal keeper areas to preserve for game days. Use good judgment.
Move goals and practice the opposite way of the field layout and be sure to install the Kwik sandbags to add safety and stability.
Clean up after your teams. There are garbage pales located on premises.
Bad weather may result in cancelations of practices for the safety of the kids and to preserve the fields.Games at Borella Field:
Depending on your age group please be advised of the attached document and photos of field and goal size per LIJSL.
There are two different size goals between U9-U10 and U11-U12. (Refer to label on goals and nets image below).
Whom ever is playing that day at this location is required swap out the goals that fall within your age group.
There are Kwik brand sandbags already distributed and must be installed on the back of the goal prior to the start of the game. Referee’s will be checking.
If anyone does not have corner flags please let us know. There are no flags stored at Borella.
.Games at Apollo:
Depending on your age group please be advised of the attached document and photos of field and goal size.
Be sure you are playing on the correct field size on game days.
If you don’t understand then feel free to reach out and we can assist.
There are Kwik brand sandbags already distributed and must be installed on the back of the goal prior to the start of the game. Referee’s will be checking.
Two sets of corner flags are located in the small shed. If you use them put them back when you are done.Light Towers:
Follow the instructions on how to start and stop.
There is a sequence of operations listed on the inside of the enclosure.
Be sure you turn them off when your practice is done for the night. If you notice someone left if running, please turn it off. Breakers first then turn the key to off.
If any of these are not working properly please let us know so we can get them serviced asap.
As a safety precaution stay well clear of them and advise any kids playing near them not to. - 4. Birth Year Registration ChartMore
U3 - U4 Little Eaglets:
Clinic is on weekends. Runs Fall to Spring.
U5: Eaglets Program:
Clinic is on Saturdays. Runs Fall to Spring.
U6: Hawks Program:
Clinic is on Saturdays. Runs Fall to Spring.
U7: Golden Eagles Program:
Practice during the week with scrimmage on Saturdays. Runs Fall to Spring.
U8: Interleague:
Practice during the week with games on Sundays with neighboring towns.
U9 and Above:
May either continue in the Interleague Program or tryout to join a Travel Team. Inter-League teams practice once a week with games on Sundays. Travel Teams ask for a considerable time commitment, energy, and money from both the player and their families. Tryouts are generally held in June for the upcoming Fall Season. They practices twice a week and attend tournaments through the year. The U9 - U13 teams play on Saturdays and the U14-U19 teams play on Sundays.
- 5. Travel Coaches Referee/AR FeesMore
Referee payment on the field continues with the fee structure below. If the referee, including the ARs, are not paid prior to the game, then the game will not be played. Each team pays half of each official's fee including the ARs, separately. Each team must have the exact amount to pay the referee/AR fee(s). The Coach will pay their share to each official regardless if the other team fails to show up. If the referee cancels/postpones the game due to an unplayable field or lightning, the referee still must be paid. If a team does not appear for a scheduled game, they will forfeit the game. Non-forfeiting team must pay its share of the fees. The league will pay the fees for the forfeiting team.
Fall 2024 Referee Fees
Download CR-AR Fee Calculator ⇒ CR-AR Fee Calculator.xls
- 6. Nassau County P.A.L. Volunteer Coaches Background Check
- 7. Soccer Coaching ResourcesMore
Laws Of The Game:
- Concussion Substitutes Protocol A
- Concussion Substitutes Protocol B
- IFAB Changes 2021-22
- Laws of the Game 2021-22
- Players & Playing Rules Policy 7.11.2020
Practice Resources:
- Get down to the ground - Soccer Coach Weekly
- Goalkeeper Prep
- Goalkeeper W-catch - Soccer Coach Weekly
- USYouthSoccer_U6-U8_Practice_Activities
- USYouthSoccer_U10_Practice_Activities
- USYouthSoccer_U12_Practice_Activities
Practice Session Worksheet
How to Write a Training Session Plan
Goal Kicks and Building Out of the Back Video
- 8. Weather related game changes/cancellationsMore
See "Inclement Weather Postponements" section on page 3: LIJSL Coaches Responsibilities Guidelines
Before 2 hours of the Scheduled Game:
The BSC President will let the Head Coach know if the field is not playable.
The Head Coach must then contact the Referee, Opponent Coach and their Coordinator.[Coordinator contact information can be found on the top left after logging into the LIJSL Scoring System]
Within 2 hours of the Scheduled Game:
Only the Referee can postpone the game.
If a team does not show up they will forfeit the game. - 9. Field PermitsMore
⇒Town of Oyster Bay Permit:
Apollo (Grumman), Borella & Powell:
Spring 2024 TOB Permit.pdf
⇒ Facilities Portal for BHS, CBS, JFK and KL Schools
Click on "District's Use of Facilities Portal"
Use this section only if there is a field conflict during a game or a practice in which an out of town team is using the field. Remember that High School sports takes precedence regardless of permit.
On Facilities Portal: Select "PAL" in Organization Lookup, Select school from drowndown menu, Click "Filter" to view. Schedule ID Number will appear when selecting activity on calendar.
⇒Weekend JFK Permit:
March 1 – June 23 Saturday 12pm – 6pm / Sunday 10am – 6pm.
- 10. How to initiate a Game Change Request (GCR):MorePer LIJSL Rules: Teams will be allowed up to a maximum of two (2) Game Change Requests (GCR) for the season.
Step 1: Email the Bethpage Soccer President using this template, replacing the brackets with your information:Subject: GCR for Match #[XXXX] for [AGE GROUP AND DIVISION eg: BU15 3W]Hi President [Name],I would like to request a GCR, here are the details:Match Number: [XXXX eg: 5903]Home Team: [HOME CLUB AND TEAM NAME eg: Bethpage Knights]Away Team: [AWAY CLUB AND TEAM NAME eg: Levittown Elite]Game Date: [ORIGINAL GAME DATE eg: 4/5]Game Time: [ORIGINAL GAME TIME eg: 2pm]Field: [ORIGINAL FIELD eg: Apollo 1A]Division: [AGE GROUP AND DIVISION eg: BU15 3W]Reason: More than half of the team have informed me that they will not be able to attend due to a birthday party.Thanks,[Your Name]Bethpage [Your Team Name]Not having a coach or just saying not enough players is not enough of a reason.If you're requesting for both your GCRs at the same time, send 2 separate GCR request emails.
Step 2: Upon receiving the approval email from the Bethpage Soccer President:Forward this approval email to:*16 days or more: the Coordinator and copy the Supervisor.*15 to 10 days: the Supervisor who will be assessing a $25 expediting fee to our club, so please avoid doing this*Less than 10 days: the Day Director and will only be approved for special circumstances that would not have been known prior (ie School Playoff Game), and $25 fee, see above.
Supervisor and Coordinators contact info can be obtained from the LIJSL website under "Competitions" menu, or ask the Travel Coordinator if you're unsure.For LI Cup games, please forward to LI Cup Coordinator.
Step 3: You should receive confirmation of game postponement from GotSport when the Games Committee approves your GCR. They can also email you this confirmation. Now you can work on rescheduling, which should be completed within 5 days.
Step 4: For AWAY games, forward the game postponement email to your opponent coach(es) and ask them for a few options on a new date/time. If they aren't responsive, follow up with your Coordinator and Supervisor.
Step 5: For HOME games, forward the game postponement email to the Bethpage travel coordinator and give a few new dates you want to reschedule for. The Bethpage travel coordinator will reply back to you with some time options on those new dates. Pick a few of those date and time options and propose to your opponent to choose from. If they aren't responsive, follow up with your Coordinator and Supervisor.
Step 6: When you have agreed to a new date and time (which should be at least 10 days in the future) with the opponent, forward the rescheduling information:
Match Number: [XXXX eg: 5903]Home Team: [HOME CLUB AND TEAM NAME eg: Bethpage Knights]Away Team: [AWAY CLUB AND TEAM NAME eg: Levittown Elite]Game Date: [NEW GAME DATE eg: 4/5]Game Time: [NEW GAME TIME eg: 2pm]Field: [NEW FIELD eg: Apollo 1A]Division: [AGE GROUP AND DIVISION eg: BU15 3W]
to your Coordinator and copy your Supervisor. Also include your opponent and the Bethpage travel coordinator for home games. For away games, the opposing coach will coordinate with their field coordinator. The Coordinator/Supervisor needs to see explicit confirmation from both coaches and the field scheduler. Including them will allow them to reply to the email with their confirmations. You can reuse your email chain with the opponent but just include the above information as a summary so the Coordinator sees the details clearly without needing to find it in a long email thread.
Step 7: You should receive confirmation of game reschedule from GotSport when the Games Committee enters it. If you don't receive this, follow up with your Coordinator and Supervisor. Then check the LIJSL game schedule to confirm the rescheduling is accurate. Lastly, update your team on the reschedule.