
How do I add my child’s photo?

*Required For Travel Players Only.  

During registration process the system will prompt you to add your players photo. Please upload a passport type photo which is front facing with no sunglasses or other family members and pets next to them.


Why am I not receiving emails from my Coach?

Bethpage Soccer and their Coaches use GotSport to communicate to all players. If you have not been receiving emails from your coach or missed out on Bethpage Soccer flyers your email account could be filtering emails from the GotSport application possibly considering them as Spam or Junk emails. 

To resolve this, add” as a contact / friend in your Email contact list.

When is registration?

Intramural & Inter-league Players:

Registration for Fall season begins in June. You may register for both seasons during the Fall registration process which guarantees that you will be on the same team for both Fall & Spring seasons. You may also elect to register one season at at time. Registration for Spring season usually begins in January. You do not have to re-register in the Spring if you selected to play for both seasons.

Travel Players:

Travel Players will register after they have been selected to a team. Tryouts are during the Spring Season. 

NOTE: Travel Players with siblings that will play Intramural or Interleague must register at the same time to receive a sibiling discount. No Exceptions. 

How do I register my child?

In order to register your child, please go to our website at and click on the Registration tab. Bethpage Soccer only offers online registration. You must pay by credit card.

What equipment does my child need?

  • Soccer ball: Size 3 for U3-U4, U6 & U7.  Size 4 for U8 thru U12.  Size 5 for U13 – U19.
  • Shin Guards under socks.
  • Soccer Cleats for all players.
  • If your child wears glasses, they must have approved eyewear to avoid injury.
  • No jewelry of any kind.

»Grab the Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon on the Homepage before you go shopping!


Can I volunteer to coach?

Yes! Login to your registration page. Click on volunteer to coach or email us at info @ The Bethpage PAL soccer Board will contact you.